
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Star Wars in 3D!

Years and years of rumors have now been confirmed! Both USA Today and the official Star Wars site have confirmed that the entire Star Wars saga, beginning with The Phantom Menace will be converted to 3D and re-released in theaters. The prospected release date is 2012. The release dates for the following five movies has yet to be revealed.

With the earlier news of the Star Wars saga being converted to Blue Ray, and considering that the Blue Rays will feature formerly deleted scenes, as seen here, the question rises; will the 3D release feature the deleted scenes?

Which scene or scenes are you looking forward to seeing in 3D the most? Mine would have to be the Battle of Endor, The Battle of Geonosis and the three-way-duel between Obi-Wan, Qui Gon and Darth Maul.


  1. Sweet!

    I everything? I tried to narrow it down to just one or two scenes, but as I started typing, about 15 others came to me...

    Cloud city would look fantastic, I think.

  2. I know what you mean. It took me a while to narrow it down myself. Someone else mentioned the trench run and I thought, "How could I have forgoten that?!?". That would be awesome to see in 3D.

  3. Oh my gosh I don't know! Just... THE WHOLE THING!
    My sons are gonna be so excited about this. We are total Star Wars freaks at my house. Always have been. It started with me.

  4. This is exciting news. I can not wait. It'll be so awesome in 3D!

  5. Awesome! I love the scene when Luke fires the blast that destroys the Death Star. That would be great in 3-D!

  6. This is good to hear! Seeing it in 3-D will be fantastic.

  7. Looking forward to it- but hope it looks good- not like when they felt the need to colorize B&W movies

  8. @Jersey Diva Mom-Yeah. It should be interesting to see how high of a quality the 3D is, considering that the movies weren't shot with 3D cameras. Hopefully that's why they're taking their time.
